Data destruction and keeping data safe is an integral part of any company. If you are working to figure out ways to keep your information secure, here are some Do’s and Don’t of data security to consider.
Don’t ignore threats from the inside. While it easy to imagine that companies need to be protected from outside threats or cyber attacks, more often than not, threats from the inside can be even more dangerous. Insider theft of data and documents accounts for a significant amount of privacy breaches every year. However, not all insider threats are nefarious. Instead, employees only not having strong passwords, or leaving sensitive data open on a computer when they walk away are simple mistakes that are made that can easily be avoided. Companies and data destruction go hand in hand when it comes to security.
Do have a secure offsite file storage solution. One way to avoid insider threats is to keep sensitive data in a secured filing area. When the data is kept offsite, it can further keep information safe from other risks such as fires, theft, floods and other natural disasters. Consider setting up video surveillance, access control, and monitoring as well as putting up an integrated alarm system.
Don’t keep sensitive data and documents longer than you have to. Holding on to confidential documents and data can have its consequences. The longer you keep sensitive data, the longer you are exposing employees as well as customers to identify theft. Not only should paper trails be disposed of, but digital data should be destroyed as well.
Do securely destroy confidential information. To securely, safely and adequately destroy sensitive information, you most likely have to go to the professionals. Simply deleting files and throwing the equipment in the dumpster is not an effective or safe way of handling data. Instead, you will want to go to a certified shredding plant, many of which also offer onsite or offsite data destruction.