The rising concern for data protection, privacy, and security challenges has led to global professional meetings among cybersecurity technology experts to raise awareness about these internet issues. The continued increase of large-scale cybersecurity breaches has made cybersecurity a top concern for all businesses. Here's a look at where cybersecurity is going and how it will impact the business world.
Growing Cyber-Attacks & Data Breaches

Every organization that uses the internet must prepare for a cyberattack to mitigate worst-case scenarios. These data protection and privacy challenges affect businesses of all sizes as privacy professionals push for more robust government regulations. The new California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and other new laws are leading toward more consumer protections, as businesses must do more to protect confidential data. Meanwhile, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has launched a plan to promote organizations to implement best industry practices and tools for reducing ransomware threats.
Some people might think that wiping a hard drive means its data can no longer be accessed. This myth, however, persists perhaps due to lack of media coverage otherwise. The truth is those old computers can still contain old data that can be accessed by penetrating firewalls, as discovered by computer hobbyists. Businesses with old, unused workstations and servers should dispose of drives containing sensitive information using a secure server equipment recycling service.
Updating Privacy Law
They protect data privacy under the law to a degree. Rising cybersecurity breaches are causing officials to discuss making laws tougher on businesses to guard against cybercriminals. The trend also continues for the government to pressure enterprises that deal with confidential data to invest in high-quality cybersecurity technology.
The Biden Administration is currently proposing more federal privacy legislation in 2021. One consideration is developing a position within the Department of Commerce to oversee negotiations for replacing the EU-US Privacy Shield discontinued in 2020. Vice President Harris has previously worked on data privacy and security issues while the U.S. Senator from California. Crafting strong federal cybersecurity legislation is on her agenda.
Healthcare and financial organizations can expect regulatory changes affecting how they store and protect data. Financial firms look toward finalizing GLBA regulations while health officials anticipate more intense enforcement and modernization of HIPAA.
Employee Monitoring

While employers have long held the upper hand in overseeing employee activities, growing concerns over privacy have altered the debate. Now employers face more significant legal risks by monitoring employees. Employees can see this as an invasion of privacy. In 2020 the pandemic led to many companies allowing employees to work from home on their computers, which has opened the door to a myriad of privacy questions. Accompanying this bonanza of remote work was a 51 percent increase in the use of employee-monitoring software compared to the year before the pandemic struck. It's unclear how long an enterprise will be allowed to monitor employees the way they've traditionally done.
Business and government leaders are looking to strengthen data protection and privacy challenges in the early 2020s. A big part of the solution will involve recycling old computers to ensure the permanent deletion of data. Contact us here at West Coast Computer Recycler to learn more about the proper disposal of old servers. Let an experienced e-waste disposal company take old technology off your hands.